After months of hibernation, the etopps autograph program has returned with an offering of 50 2001 Reggie Wayne cards at $29.99 each tomorrow, Christmas Eve, at 3pm EST.
Yes, it has been quite awhile since an autographed card was offered. More have been offered in the catalog this year than new ones and we all know why. With 10% nationwide unemployment, etopps ain't dumb, realizing that autographed cards just like other collectibles is all about disposable income that's one of the first and last things to be affected by the economy.
Nevertheless it's nice to see a 2001 card being offered and it's a rookie and it's for a player we are familiar with thanks to Peyton Manning. The Colts seem unstoppable so all of these factors help this card's current value.
At a penny shy of $30, it's nicely undervalued. You may be able to double your money if the card arrives in your mailbox if the Colts are in the Super Bowl or if they win the Super Bowl.
Looking at the sales of other autographed 2001 cards of Reggie Wayne, it looks like most of them are in the $60-$70 range except for the graded ones. They fetch a lot higher and you could probably score at least $100 if you wait it out and have BGS inspect the auto. The downside to any grading is the time it takes. Some have the patience for this while others do not.
For the collector, you couldn't ask for a better Christmas present from etopps if you like Reggie Wayne or if you're a Colts fan, a fan of the 2001 etopps Football set or just like etopps autographs. At $30, etopps deserves kudos for this price. They know there are potential buyers of this card who have already spent a lot of saved-up coin for holiday shopping.
What's also nice is how Mr. Wayne signed the card. While others may have just scribbled their initials and jersey number, it's easy to see he wrote his full name. What's also nice is he signed his name in the top left corner without touching the foreground image of his head or his body in the background picture.
Overall it's nice to see more autographs from etopps and nice to review them once again. For the collector, you couldn't ask for a better opportunity and for the seller, patience is the key to make a better profit on this.
Really nice blog. I will have to do a write up and put it on my website. Really cool stuff. Keep up the good work.
Really good stuff here. I will have to do a write up for my site. Keep up the good work! I'll send you a link when I get to it.
Here you go. Keep up the good work:
Looks like eTopps needs to work the kinks out of the autograph card order code after it has been dormant for a while. When trying to buy the Wayne auto on Christmas Eve, the site kept kicking back an error about order processing.
It seems that eTopps got it worked out as of Monday, 12/28, probably coming back to work after the weekend to put up the new IPOs. I placed an order today, and it seemed to take it OK.
Here's looking forward to future eTopps auto offerings running more smoothly.
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